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Our type foundry! An incubator and producer of all things typographic. We hope to contribute to the landscape by experimenting and collaborating with others to push the typographic artform forward.

If you’re interested in getting involved please send us an email at

THE PLINTH PROJECT was started while researching public art and memorials in Richmond, Virginia in 2021. At the time, racist monuments had finally begun to be taken down across the country in conjunction with the Black Lives Matters protests. In Richmond, historically known as the ‘Capital of the Confederacy,’ this was also the case. In response, I began an instagram account that would gather examples of public art for followers to learn about a variety of approaches and discussions surrounding these types of artworks.

The key objective of The Plinth Project is to confront the concerns around the future of Monument Avenue (an infamous stretch of road in Richmond, VA known for its long standing Confederate monuments) and what could be placed on this long strip of public space. Watching the discussion be passed off from the state government to various private instituion, we want to see how we could help ensure a democratic selection process by gathering data that would be representative of the local community. In order to do this, we have begun designing a survey that, ideally, would reflect the values that citizens in and around Richmond would like to see represented in future public artworks.

You can see the latest survey HERE.

If you’re interested in getting involved please send us an email at

An annual publication that holds all the artist and projects Envelope has been working on over the year. Currently taking submissions for work.

If you’re interested in getting involved please send us an email at

An ongoing series of posters designed to ‘warn’ consumers of the ecological and socio-political concerns surrounding certain consumer habits. We all got one, but knowledge is power and together hopefully we can make change on the individual scale.

If you’re interested in getting involved please send us an email at

is our version of Glenn O’Brian’s pioneering 70’s public access showTV PARTY. We hope to follow in their footsteps, while exploring the weird wonderful world of public access broadcasting technologies offered today.
If you’re interested in getting involved please send us an email at